isn't just about accomplishments.
It's also about how the things you do in your life motivate and inspire others to do
something motivating and inspiring in theirs.
Quote - unknown
Since our inception in September 2014, we have been busy working to support our local community! In addition to providing the various social and support groups, and maintaining the resource lists, here's a smattering of other activities that we've been involved in:
Putting on Trans* Day of Remembrance (November)
Putting on Trans* Day of Empowerment (April)
Putting on Intersex Awareness (October)
SD Trans* Pride
SD Pride
Pride by the Beach
GSA Leadership Award Ceremony
Participating in educational panels and seminars, e.g. at Pacific Ridge High School's Trans Education Night
Collaborating with Vista Community Clinic to launch their Gender Care Services
Meeting with doctors and therapists to advocate for patients’ needs
Supporting other San Diego trans* resource organizations